Wednesday, 01 May, 2024

Whittle Down Your Workday – 6 Steps To Making Your Business Run Itself

Take a look at your desk. Is it cluttered? Do you have more than one tea-stained mug? Are there old notes stuck to your computer screen? These are all signs that you are lagging behind, so it’s time for a spring clean. It’ll only take an hour, but you’ll feel revitalised once its done and it’ll be easier to focus on the jobs you have.

If you are self employed and need to secure new custom, there may be a temptation to never switch off the phone just in case a call comes in. That can have a major impact on your lifestyle, whereas by outsourcing, you can relax knowing Call answering services will be answered and addressed without you needing to lift a finger.

Look to see what solutions they provide. If they provide a number of different solutions and are able to carry these solutions properly then they could be advantageous to you. Later on down the range you may go through like you need assistance for your organization – perhaps they already provide that assistance instead of you going elsewhere and beginning over with another organization.

“She’s on the other line at the moment.” You don’t need to be a remote receptionist to see how this could lead to trouble. Even if you’re in the same office and can see the person on the other line, saying that they’re on the phone sets up unrealistic expectations. They may expect a return call as soon as she’s off the phone, but she could be stepping into a meeting, returning another call, or the call just may last for another hour. You never know! Another potential hitch: Your caller may ask to hold until the other party is available. If you’re not sure when she’ll be available, or if you work at a live and need to be available for other calls yourself, things can get tricky.

It will cost you less. Using an service to answer your calls will save you money if you have a normally have a reasonable volume of calls every day. You will not need an actual receptionist, so no wages to pay there. You will not need dedicated office space, telephony equipment, and no training of staff either.

Ask a question to set the tone of the call. Instead of leading with the impersonal, “What can I do for you today?” start with some pleasantries to get the call off on the right foot. “How are you?” is a trusty stand-by.

If you think using an outsourced contact centre or telephone call handling service could be right for your company, why not look for a supplier today?